Tuesday, April 29, 2008

I've Moved...

My blog has moved. Please visit janetteryt.blogspot.com.

Thank you for reading!

Tuesday, January 08, 2008


I'm freakin' out, man! Why you asked? Well...

First, I woke up at 4:30 am to run. I love running, but I never wake up early to do it. I would estimate that I've tried to wake up early about 2,000 times and have really only been successful approximately twice. That works out to 0.1%. Terrible. But this morning I did it! I was wide awake for some reason this morning. I will admit that I tried to fall back asleep, but I just couldn't do it. I was so happy to run to. Once I was out there doing it I kind of wished I could stay out longer and go in late to work. I managed to get 4 miles in this morning.

Second, it's January 8th and it was 47 degrees out when I went running this morning. The forecast is calling for 60 degrees as the high for today. I'll repeat - it's January! How crazy is that!?

Tonight I'm headed to a power yoga class with a couple ladies from my teacher training. It should be a good time. I love this class.

I'm also headed to get my new blackberry for work tonight. Oooo fancy shmancy!

Monday, January 07, 2008

Start of New Year

I haven't posted in awhile because quite frankly, I've been running around with my head cut off. I've been running, but never as much as I'd like. I've been doing yoga, but not as often as I'd like. I've been working, but more than I'd like (kidding of course!).

Since I've last written, I've fully recovered from the achilles injury. Christmas has come and gone and so has New Years. I started my Yoga Teacher Training classes and after 5 weeks I can tell this is quite the journey I'm on. I'm also changing jobs - same company, new position, new manager and new department. As you can see I've had a lot on my plate.

In the running department, I'm attempting to train for the Vermont City marathon, but if I can't get the miles in and don't feel I'm ready, I'll fall back on the Run to Remember half marathon. Both races are on the same day. I'm going to run as often as I can, but in balancing the yoga teacher training and the rest of life, it's not always that easy.

So I will write in my blog as often as I can and I might even start a new one specifically for yoga.

Keep in touch!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The Great Outdoors

I have been running in the great outdoors for one week and I am ecstatic to be back out there. That being said, I am struggling with the fact that I am just not where I once was. I know I'm recovering from an injury, but still it's frustrating. I'm not allowed to run very far or very fast, but at least I'm running and everything will come back with time, training, focus and determination. I hope.

On Sunday, I completed my longest outdoor run since the injury - 4.7 miles in 40 minutes. My IT band on my right leg was really tight towards the end of the run, which was mind boggling to me because that hasn't hurt since the beginning of this year when I was doing big miles for Boston '07. I have a feeling my right leg may be picking up some of the slack for my left leg (the injured one).

My PT gave me a running, strength and cross training workout that gets me until this Saturday when I will do a 45 minute run. It's funny to be in a gym again... I'm terrible at the strength and cross training part of the whole thing, but I am learning to love it. I have been on the elliptical and am somehow finding that fun. I've also found a new love for rowing - I've never done it before and probably look ridiculous, but it's fun! The strength part is going well too and I am feeling stronger all around. In fact, here's a picture of my gym gear - magazine for reading while on the elliptical, post-it with the day's workout and pen for notes.

On Friday, I will see my PT again and consult with him on where I can go from here - at the last consult he said he could have me marathon training again by January 1st - and what's up with my IT band.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Coffee & PT

I haven't written in over a week because life has been just more of the same. Physical therapy on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Running on my 20 minutes on off days from PT. So I really haven't had much to say, until today...

I ran on the treadmill at lunch today for my 20 minutes. About about 10 minutes I started smelling coffee. I knew I couldn't be sweating out coffee because I haven't had it in a few days and it was a really strong smell - like a Folgers-waking-you-up-in-the-morning kind of smell. My gym has a juice bar (a.k.a. I'm a big muscle man and on top of the 'roids I'm already doing I drink the Super Whey Protein Muscle Man drink while I sit at the bar in my teeny tiny t-shirt that I had to have someone paint on me this morning just so girls will look at me) so I assumed that they were making a fresh pot of coffee as part of the gyms member appreciation week. A couple more minutes pass by and I catch a glimpse of the girl next to me. She had started on the treadmill oh just a couple minutes ago... let's say about 10 minutes into my run. Do you get what I'm hinting at here? Yes! She was drinking coffee while walking on the treadmill. If anyone can explain this to me, please do so. I am baffled.

So PT... . Tonight I did a strength test to see how my leg was doing. I did a few different weight strength tests and then some elliptical, stairmaster and backwards running on the treadmill. I was beat after all the cardio stuff, but I felt like I should have done more to really max out the weight. The PT says I'm just about done. Tomorrow morning I go in to talk to him about what, if anything, I have left to do at PT and what I can do as far as running goes. I'm looking at this as good news that hopefully I'll be back into a more solid running schedule with some more miles - more outdoor miles, hopefully - and then eventually back into racing.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Running vs. Jogging -- Chapter 3: Katie Holmes

Katie Holmes participated in the New York City Marathon this year. Is she a runner or a jogger?

She did not wear a bra! Need I say more?

RW Article

Chapter 1: First thoughts
Chapter 2: Pearl Izumi®

Sunday, November 04, 2007

My 10 Minutes of Running

I did it today. I ran for 10 minutes. And yes, I did the 6 minutes on the elliptical, my stretches, and 6 more minutes before I started running, just like my PT said.

It was a beautiful day outside - 56 degrees, sunny - and yet I was inside... on the treadmill. It was painful to be there. I haven't been on a treadmill in about nine months. There was a girl on my right, who I actually thought looked like a runner and then I was thinking of the Pearl Izumi® ads and according the them, a runner would never be inside on a treadmill. Then I was afraid that everyone would think I was less of a runner because I was inside. Maybe she is rehabbing an injury too. I never really thought of it before, but at the gym on the treadmill I ran with people so it was hard for me not to go fast and get competitive. But I made it through and those 10 minutes were the fastest 10 minutes of my life.

I iced when I got home and tomorrow I'll go to PT. I'll let them know how great I feel and my fingers are crossed that I'll be released to add on more time to my 10 minute run.

New York Marathon Weekend

New York had a full weekend of running this weekend. On Saturday, Central Park played host to the Men's Olympic Marathon Trials and on Sunday the city hosted the ING New York City Marathon.

The Men's Olympic Trials winners were: Ryan Hall, Dathan Ritzenhein and Brian Sell. Official results can be found on the USATF website here. Unfortunately, running had to say goodbye to a great athlete on Saturday. After 5.5 miles Ryan Shay collapsed and later was pronounced dead. Here is what the USATF had to say. This is the second time I've written about someone who has collapsed and died during a race. It has happened quite a few times and until now I've always thought it was just people who aren't prepared, haven't trained enough, didn't consult their doctor, or have a pre-existing heart condition. Now, I'm left wondering what it is that's killing runners.

On Sunday in Central Park, Paula Radcliffe won the New York Marathon. Although I loved watching Kara Goucher beat her in The Great North Run, but I was happy to see that Paula won today. She had a baby and back surgery 11 months ago and now she's back winning a marathon. Incredible.